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Why It's Great to Be a Girl

Published by HarperCollins
Why It's Great to Be a Girl is a must-have for every girl from six to sixteen! Chock-full of fascinating facts, enlightening girl-knowledge, and important historical milestones—even a list of great books written by women—here is a guaranteed self-esteem booster for young females everywhere . . . and it's lots of fun too! After all, what girl wouldn't feel great about herself knowing that:girls hear better than boysgirls drive better than boys girls' bodies are stronger than boys' in every way, except for musclesgirls are less susceptible to major diseasesand, according to many anthropologists and archaeologists, girls actually "civilized" humankind!So get ready for an eye-opening journey through the awesomeness of girldom—with the ultimate guide to why being a girl is the ultimate in cool!