Standing in the Presence of Greatness

Published by Morgan James Publishing
A Christian motivational speaker shares his story of discovering the greatness within himself—and how he has helped so many others do the same. If you’ve ever questioned your worth or wondered what your gifts are, motivation speaker David Kohout can help you find the answers you seek. In Standing in the Presence of Greatness, he explains how nothing in life is wasted. Even illness, injury, job loss, and countless other situations we see as a crisis can in reality be a doorway to something greater. At the start of his journey, David Kohout was full of questions and oblivious to the seeds of greatness that he held. His struggle reached a point of desperation before he reached the other end of the tunnel. Along with Kathy Palumbo, David shares his journey with you, and explains just how he came to the point of self-realization that allowed for a bright new phase of life.