Harriet and the Roller Coaster

Published by Lerner Publishing Group
A brave little pup learns a lesson about fear and new experiences when she braves the roller coaster in this charming picture book. Hang on—Harriet’s on her way up! . . . For days, George has been taunting Harriet about the roller coaster at the amusement park. “It’s so big, you can’t see the top . . .It goes so fast, you might fall out . . . You’ll be too scared to ride on it.” “I am NOT scared,” Harriet tells him. But that night she doesn’t sleep very well. And the next morning, when it is time to go, she feels a little sick. Children are certain to recognize Harriet’s terror and cheer her spunk. And while she conquers her fear, Harriet will conquer her readers’ hearts as well. Praise for Harriet and the Roller Coaster“Carlson’s winning, childlike illustrations use minimal line work to evoke her characters’ extreme emotions. . . . More expansive elements, such as the loop-de-loop of the roller coaster, are also drawn with understated flair. Children will be encouraged to brave new adventures, even if they're scared, and learn not to be swayed by those who claim they’re not.” —Booklist