Being Happy, Raising Happy

Published by Morgan James Publishing
An educator, holistic health coach and mother shares tips for self-care and mental wellness for mothers of strong-willed and highly-sensitive children.

You Were Born Happy. You Were Born to Be Happy. You Were Born to Raise Happy.

Being a mom is a lot of work. Being a mom of a spirited child can be exceptionally challenging. Moms who want to change their stress and anxiety levels and make a difference in the lives of their children and family need to take steps towards wellness. Maureen Lake teaches moms:

· The reason why parenting a spirited child can cause more stress and anxiety than parenting kids who don’t have the same challenges
· The importance of cherishing yourself and setting clear boundaries so you can nurture your child
· How to uncover the areas of your life that are causing the most stress and worry
· How to regain footing by following a five-step process toward peace of mind
· How to better manage family life with a nutrition plan to increase energy and other wellness tips that boost the immune system and create better overall health

Being Happy, Raising Happy is for loving and caring moms who somehow forgot about their own desires and the impact they want to make in the world. This accessible guide will help women begin the journey towards revitalizing the mind, body, and spirit.

“Upon reading the first few pages, I was totally hooked. I felt like Maureen was sitting across the table teaching me the importance of taking care of myself and how my wellness will positively impact my child.” —Gretchen Burman, author of The Adventures of Ooga and Zeeta