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Urban Remedy

Published by Weldon Owen
A holistic meal and activity plan to detox and reset your health—includes a foreword by Cindy Crawford.

This comprehensive handbook offers a complete whole-food cleansing plan along with guidelines for how to prepare for, enjoy, and come back from your cleanse. With a holistic mind-and-body approach, this program will help you break out of bad habits, reset routines and intentions, and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Urban Remedy includes information on: The benefits of cleansingWhat to expect from your Urban Remedy cleanse retreatComplete equipment and shopping lists for planning your daysStep-by-step instructions for each day of the cleanseA section on treating ailments through food based on ancient healing principlesMore than 75 mostly raw and vegan recipes for living well every day
“Whether it’s a three-day cleanse, a single day of clean eating, or a particular recipe to treat a common ailment, I look to Neka for delicious, healing recipes that will help me feel my best.”—Cindy Crawford, from the foreword