There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos

Published by HarperCollins
There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road But Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos is a lucid, viciously funny, downright refreshing look at the mess we're in and how we got there. It argues that government (both of the left and the right) and big business are inextricably committed to protecting each other's economic and political interests. In the bargain, of course, the common people get steamrolled. Hightower shows why neither Republicans nor Democrats have ever seriously addressed the needs of the disenfranchised.aBut Hightower is no whiner-he offers populist, grassroots solutions to the problems he sees. He demonstrates how the poor-and now the middle-class-represents a true populist majority that has channeled its anger into grassroots organizing that is already making a difference at the local level. From who really runs Washington to fixing the environment, from laying bare the dirty politics behind the new global economy to the malevolent manipulations of cyberspace, Hightower leaves no contemporary issues unscathed. There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road But Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos is sure to evoke heated opinions from all parts of the political spectrum, and to generate much critical discussion.