The Sterling Redemption

Published by Pen & Sword Books
The fight against a false accusation in the Arms-to-Iraq affair. “A searing expose of one of the most shameful and cynical prosecutions of modern times.” —The Guardian

This is the untold true story of James Edmiston who suffered an extraordinary miscarriage of justice in 1983 when senior officials blocked vital witnesses coming to his trial which led to a personal tragedy; a broken marriage, and the loss of a business.

The book explains how he was wrongly charged with alleged illegal exports to Iraq, and then took on the establishment against seemingly impossible odds for twenty-five years, to establish his innocence and to win record compensation from the British government in a truly remarkable case. Divorced and bankrupted, he is now rebuilding a shattered life, nearly thirty years later.

This extraordinary story is a fascinating insight into government and the abuse of power and is based on many original sources including the Scott Report and Judgment of the Court of Appeal (criminal). The co-author, Lawrence Kormornick, is a Solicitor-Advocate (civil) who has represented Edmiston and several other victims of the Arms-to-Iraq prosecution scandal against the government and has a unique insight into these cases.

Packed with ironies, twists of fate, and many unanswered questions it is a compelling read for anyone interested in political intrigue and abuse of power, miscarriage of justice, and learning about how an individual took on the state and won.

“A true story of alleged skulduggery and, possibly, criminal acts in the form of perverting the course of justice by the authorities and it should be bedside reading for everybody who believes in the rule of law.” —The Law Society Gazette