The Power of Your Past

Published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Discover your path of personal and professional development with this practical guide to actively and purposefully engaging with your own past.

Most of us don't use our yesterdays very well. With so much focus on living in the moment, we neglect to engage in creative reflection on our personal histories. In The Power Of Your Past, John Schuster demonstrates that the past is the most valuable, most accessible, and yet most under-utilized resource for anyone wanting to make positive changes.

Offering a practical three-phase model for working with one’s past—Recalling, Reclaiming, and Recasting—Schuster illustrates the process with inspiring histories of those who have experienced transformative results. Schuster provides insight, encouragement, and practical steps for essential professional and personal development. Readers who follow this model will make progress in their endeavors, overcome persistent obstacles, and make decisions based on their own truth rather than relying on someone else’s.