The Glycemic Load Counter

Published by Ulysses Press
Discover how to use the Glycemic Index to manage diabetes, control blood sugar, and monitor glucose intake from food to take control of your health.

Based on the proven science of the Glycemic Index (GI) but made even easier to use, Glycemic Load (GL) dieting is the easiest, most powerful tool for losing weight, controlling diabetes and following a healthy day-to-day diet. GL values give a more accurate measure of the way different foods affect your body by adjusting the GI score for portion size. For example, an orange is a much healthier snack than a candy bar, but the orange has a higher GI value (42) than the candy bar (41). But when adjusted to the real-world portion, the healthier snack becomes obvious—the orange has a low GL value of 4 compared to the high GL value of 26 for the candy bar!

Inside you’ll find: GI, GL, calories, carbs, and fat for over 800 popular foodsAccurate and easy-to-use GL valueUser-friendly design and straightforward alphabetical lists Serving sizes for foods already converted into GL score Advice on your body’s glycemic response to different foods—from meats and vegetables to breads and fruits

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