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The Four Mistakes

Published by Union Square & Co.
“This attorney’s toolbox shows that a little knowledge on employment law, even if some of it is technical legalese, goes a long way.” —Publishers Weekly

“This book will . . . provide substantial advantages for business owners, executives and managers seeking a competitive edge. Much of the information and strategies . . . can be utilized not only as a shield, but also as a sword.” —Michael G. Trachtman, Esq.

According to a 2007 “Litigation Trends Survey”:Of the smallest companies surveyed, 17% had at least one lawsuit where $20 million or more was claimedAmong mid-sized companies, 98% had from one to twenty $20 million lawsuits

Lawsuits destroy companies and careers—but with a little forethought, they CAN be prevented. Attorney Michael Trachtman provides a lively and clear guide to the four most common legal mistakes made by business owners, executives, and employees—errors that can lead to loss of money, creative capital . . . or worse. Each chapter examines one of the mistakes through the dramatic story of a fictional lawsuit, along with tangible advice on avoiding the problem. Trachtman even reveals how to take advantage of a competitor’s mistakes and turn their unmanaged risks into opportunities.


Mistake One: Losing the Documentation War

Mistake Two: Losing the Employee Versus Employer War

Mistake Three: Giving Away the Secrets of Your Success

Mistake Four: Climbing Mountains That Should Have Been Molehills, Fighting Battles That Don’t Have to Be Fought