The Fifth Daughter is a stunning new love storythat sweeps from the somber moors of Yorkshire to theTuscan hills of sunny Italy.
Born of tragedy and nurtured by scandal,Maresa Fairweather was a fifth daughter, all butabandoned by her widower father. Wild andheadstrong, she was fortunate to have Percy Bronwellto keep her from harm’s way. Now the childhoodfriends have grown up, but realizing his love forMaresa is unrequited, Percy enlists in the Royal Navy.
Always attracted to the wrong man, Maresacontinues her flirtatious ways until increasinggossip dictates a change of scene. She travels to Italy,but old habits are hard to break and, desperate to endanother engagement, she pleads for Percy’s help. Hesaves her the only way he canby offering a marriageof convenience.
After only one night together, Percy returns to hisnaval command
and Maresa becomes the womanshe was destined to be. Learning that Percy’s life is indanger at the hands of the French, she risks her ownlife to save himand to give him something he hasalways given her: unwavering love. But is it too late?