Set in 1929, an international mystery classic featuring a half-indigenous, half-white detective tracking a murderer in the Australian wilderness.
When an indigenous Australian man is killed in the Barrakee Sheep Station in New South Wales, Det. Insp. Napoleon Bonaparte—a.k.a. Bony—is called in to investigate. Who better to solve a case that crosses cultural lines than a mixed-race cop able to rise above blood ties and divided class loyalties? With his gift for deductive reasoning and skillful tracking, Bony soon finds himself racing through bush country on a quest to catch a killer.
“One of the most exciting, well-constructed, and well written tales we have read for a long time . . . It is a first-rate yarn full of a genuine Australian appeal.” —The Herald
“The scenes of life on a Western sheep station are very faithfully portrayed.” —The Courier Mail
“Rampageous fisticuffs, rough scenery and rougher, dust-covered sheepmen and wanderers . . . So much interest and local colour.” —Books and Bookmen