Lone Wolf

Published by Grub Street Publishing
This thrilling WWII biography tells the incredible true story of one of the Royal Air Force’s greatest flying aces.

During the Second World War, Flight lieutenant Richard Playne Stevens had an extraordinary career as a Royal Air Force nightfighter. His contemporaries called him Cat’s Eyes for his rare ability to see in the dark, but after achieving a record-breaking fourteen victories in the skies—all without the aid of radar or another crew member—he earned the moniker Lone Wolf. He was also awarded a distinguished Service Order and a Distinguished Flying Cross & Bar for his service.

Flt. Lt. Stevens achieved his legendary status through skill, instinct and innate marksmanship. Sir Archibald Sinclair, the Secretary of State for Air during the war, called him “one of the greatest nightfighter pilots who ever fought in Fighter Command.” Now his incredible story is told in full thanks to decades of research by military aviation historian Terry Thompson.