Grimms Manga Tales Anthology

Published by TOKYOPOP
Beloved manga artists present classic fairy tales with a creative twist in this collection for fans of all ages!

Everybody knows the Brothers Grimm fairy tales—but what if the versions you heard were only part of the story?

This book reveals different artists’ creative spin on these beloved tales. Featuring Old Sultan, King Thrushbeard, Rumpelstiltskin, Brother and Sister, Cinderella, The Town Musicians of Bremen, Mother Hulda, and Sleeping Beauty, this fantasy manga retells these timeless tales with a twist.

Contributors include: Anike Hage * Anna Hollmann * Kei Ishiyama * Misaho Kujiradou * Mikiko Ponczek * Inga Steinmetz * Luisa Velontrova * Nina Werner * Rayhan Yildirim