Great Googly Moogly!

Published by Arcadia Publishing
Stories based upon traditional South Carolina local history and legends fill the pages of this haunting collection. Talented wordsmith Jim Aisle, known as the Lowcountry Liar, spins tales of the supernatural, the weird, the mysterious, and the humorous. These titillating tales are recorded and relayed to the gentle reader by his friend Brian Wanamaker McCr�ight, who tosses in a few of his own yarns to round out this clever collection.Each story begins with a folksy introduction from both the Lowcountry Liar and McCr�ight as they ramble about the region and ends with notes about provenance and fascinating facts. The tales have a life of their own and will resonate with all who have listened in rapt attention around a campfire surrounded by darkness. Included are ghostly legends from the great Late Unpleasantness, more often referred to as the Civil War, with such intriguing titles as "The Silverware Civil War" and the "Cross of St. George." Spooky twists abound in "Love Stinks" and "Mother's Milk." Even the most endearing of timeless tales, such as the popular "The Little White Dog of White Point Garden," are told in the Lowcountry vernacular and will become a favorite of every reader.