Escaper's Progress

Published by Pen & Sword Books
A British naval officer details life as a prisoner of war and his courageous and suspenseful escape attempts during World War II.

David James was in Motor Gunboats (with Robert Hichens of Gunboat Command). Captured in February 1943 after abandoning ship due to fierce engagement with three German armed trawlers in the North Sea, he was imprisoned in Dulag Marlag.

His first tunnel was discovered before completion. In December 1943 he succeeded in escaping during the weekly bath house visit and was on the run for almost a week disguised as an officer of the Royal Bulgarian Navy. He was captured after several close calls while attempting to board a ship at Lubeck.

In February 1944 he escaped again this time dressed as a Swedish sailor and traveled by train to Bremen, Hamburg, Lubeck, Rostock finishing up in Danzig, all the while searching for a suitable ship. He eventually succeeded in reaching Stockholm after two and a half days in the extreme heat of a ship’s engine room. His superbly written narrative is full of suspense and excitement.