Customer success leads to your success—when you learn how to guide the conversation and turn talking into decision-making.
Closing is a process, not an event. In the closing process, there are inevitably many conversations with a variety of potential clients. Closing the Sale will teach you how to influence good decisions to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes from these conversations.
For clients, decision-making can seem daunting. They may often favor the noncommittal “maybe” over the decisive “yes” or “no.” Closing the Sale will teach you how to help your clients make the best possible decisions for both their business goals and your own, and attain the only real success—the win-win situation.
Because the more you focus on creating success for your clients, the more successful you will be. Learn to: •Identify the End in Mind Decision •Address Client Key Beliefs •Resolve Objections •Prepare the Conditions for Good Decision-Making •Open Purposefully—and Close Powerfully