Choosing Easy World

Published by St. Martin's Publishing Group
"Don't be fooled by this book's simplicity: therein lies its power and magic! Choosing Easy World is transformational. It is an invitation to a new paradigm for living."

—Marci Shimoff, #1
New York Times bestselling author and featured teacher in The Secret

Contrary to what we've believed, life does not have to be hard. And it was never intended to be! Choosing Easy World explores the concept that we can access a place where everything works out effortlessly, harmoniously, and in support of our highest possibilities for well-being. As its title implies, Choosing Easy World reveals that the key to being in this reality—in "Easy World"—is as simple and easy as choosing to be. Woven throughout with powerful personal stories of opting into Easy World with remarkable results, Choosing Easy World provides readers with inspiration, instructions, and support for doing so themselves. In this book, you will learn:

• How eleven simple words can take you to Easy World
• True stories of people who have used the Easy World technique to change their lives
• The differences between Difficult World and Easy World
• What to do when Choosing Easy World seems impossible
• How to Choose Easy World even under the worst of circumstances
• And many more techniques and stories using these powerful tools.

Choosing Easy World not only gives you the secret to getting to this amazing alternate reality even in the most challenging of times, it teaches you how to transcend the Difficult World-addicted aspect of your mind and contains a wealth of practical, leading-edge strategies for supporting your Easy World existence. This life-transforming book is for everyone who

• Is experiencing problems with finances, career, relationships, or any facet of life
• Is tired of trying hard but feeling as though they're getting nowhere
• Isn't experiencing joy as their usual state of being
• Feels overwhelmed by their never-ending to-do list with all its shoulds and ought-tos
• Is tired of doing things they're not passionate about, or even suited for, just to pay the bills.
• Yearns to discover their life purpose and fulfill it
• Is longing for contentment and inner peace—outer peace, too