Bringing Up Baby New Year
Bachelor Joe Northwood had itmade. He came home every night to find the pillows fluffed, his sheetsdrawn back and his libido in overdrive, courtesy of his sexyhousekeeper. As the New Year approached, Joe's only resolution was toget his fantasy woman to play house as well as clean it. But when hecaught Darcie O'Banyon under the mistletoe, he got more than hebargained for. Because Darcie had a baby—and the tiny boy calledhim Da-da….
Frisky Business
All work and no play…Laura Everett was serious, ambitious and nursing an embarrassing crushon office hunk Kyle Sanders. Kyle was charming, laid-back andinexplicably attracted to Laura. Their continuous fighting, however,got them shipped out into the wilderness to learn to cooperate—orelse. But when they found out their company was at risk they did morethan cooperate—they escaped with a car that was "not technicallystolen," in order to stop the merger. Kyle and Laura learned thatlosing their jobs was the least of their worries, when they were bothso close to losing their hearts….