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A Month of Sundays

Published by C&T Publishing
The author of Sunday Morning Quilts returns with a new volume of inspiring projects, personal journeys, and advice on how to savor quiet moments.

Cheryl Arkison’s A Month of Sundays is a quilting book like no other. Exploring the themes of Relaxing, Eating, Shopping, and Exploring, Cheryl seeks to inspire both creativity and a quiet energy. She shares 16 family-friendly projects, all based on these themes and featuring low-volume fabrics. Along with gorgeous quilts, there are aprons, napkins, bags, and other items to be made.

Arkison’s personal journeys and ideas are sure to inspire your own weekend explorations. Designed for the confident beginner, the patterns are simple and straightforward. This unique book is at once exciting and restful, much like the perfect Sunday stroll.