William Hutcheson

William Hutcheson

Before surrendering to the ministry for 38 years, William Hutcheson prepared for a clinical counseling career. Even though his masters and doctoral degrees focused on pastoral duties, he expressed the passion for helping couples by developing a comprehensive and successful marriage preparation process. He later expanded that process to help married couples as well. Bill’ s first book Marriage Maximized: The Guide to a Purposeful and Passionate Relationship, also published by Morgan James Publisher, outlined that process for couples wishing to improve their relationship. This second book, The Maximized Couple’ s Devotional Life: A Guide to Growing in Christ Together for the Sake of Others, helps couples to further maximize their marriage by developing together a robust devotional life. Bill has been married over four decades and lives with his beloved, Mary Beth, in Dahlonega, Georgia.

Books By William Hutcheson (2 Books)