Terry Tozer
Terry Tozer has contributed to The Independent and wrote Op Ed pieces for the Western Morning News under his own name and the nom de plume of Mike Shapland on non aviation subjects. He is now an established media commentator and a regular speaker on the BBC, Sky, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 and 5 news as well as BBC radio, Talk Radio, LBC Radio and Times Radio stations, where he is the go-to commentator on aviation matters primarily aviation safety. For details of his media appearances and examples of his journalism see www.terrytozer.co.uk
Terry began earning his living flying aeroplanes, in the 1980s as a flying instructor, then coastguard/shipping patrol pilot, an air taxi and air ambulance pilot in the UK and Europe, and since 1988, as an airline pilot. He is uniquely informed and connected in the world of aviation, with access to some of important players in the industry. That said he is no longer involved in union affairs and does not promote union, or any other, interests.