Suzanne McConnell

Suzanne McConnell

Author, editor and writing teacher <b>Suzanne McConnell </b>was a student of Kurt Vonnegut’ s at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop during its heyday, the period from 1965-67, when Vonnegut_x2014_along with Nelson Algren and other notable authors_x2014_ was in residence, and was finishing his masterpiece, <i>Slaughterhouse Five</i>. Vonnegut and McConnell became friends, and stayed so for many years. She has published short memoirs of him in<i> The Brooklyn Rail </i>and <i>The Writer’ s Digest</i>, and led a panel at the 2014 AWP conference on Vonnegut’ s legacy, titled _x201C_Vonnegut’ s Legacy: Writing about War and Other Debacles of the Human Condition._x201D_ McConnell has taught writing at Hunter College for thirty years, and serves as the Fiction Editor of the<i> Bellevue Literary Review</i>. She lives in New York City and Wellfleet, MA, with her husband, the artist Gary Kuehn.

Books By Suzanne McConnell (1 Book)