Stephen F. Hayes

Stephen F. Hayes

<p>Stephen F. Hayes is a senior writer for the <em>Weekly Standard</em> and the author of the <em>New York Times</em> bestseller <em>The Connection: How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America</em>. He has been a commentator on many television and radio broadcasts, including the <em>Today</em> show, <em>Meet the Press</em>, the <em>Diane Rehm Show</em>, <em>Fox News Sunday</em>, the <em>O'Reilly Factor</em>, and <em>CNN's Late Edition</em>. His writing has appeared in the <em>Los Angeles Times</em>, the <em>Philadelphia Inquirer</em>, the <em>Wall Street Journal</em>, <em>The National Review</em>, and the <em>New York Post</em>. He lives on the Chesapeake Bay with his wife and two children.</p>

Books By Stephen F. Hayes (2 Books)