Rachael Wolff

Rachael Wolff

Rachael Wolff grew up reading self-help, personal discovery, and spiritual writings. She has let her beliefs in helping herself and supporting others inspire the life she leads. Wolff got a taste for helping the masses in the ‘ 90s when she became a National Sales Trainer for the indoor tanning industry. She realized that she was more connected to supporting people feel better about themselves than the actual sales. After having children, she became a pre-school teacher and enjoyed learning how our minds develop. She went back to school and graduated from Eckerd College with a Bachelor’ s Degree in Human Development and a Minor in Anthropology, focusing on cultural anthropology. After receiving her degree with an award in “ Excellence in Human Development” in December 2015, she launched a blog (http://FromALovingPlace.com) where she chronicles lessons she’ s learned on her journey. The interest in her blog led her to starting a Facebook page that keeps the motivation going with encouraging words and sharing experiences. Wolff started http://LettersFromABetterMe.blogspot.com to develop an audience who are inspired by letters of hope, healing, and love to encourage readers to become a better version of themselves.

Books By Rachael Wolff (1 Book)