No'u Revilla
No'u Revilla is the author of Ask the Brindled. She is an 'Oiwi (Native Hawaiian) queer poet and educator. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in Poetry, Literary Hub, ANMLY, Beloit, the Honolulu Museum of Art, and the Library of Congress. Her latest chapbook, Permission to Make Digging Sounds, was published in Effigies III in 2019, and she has performed throughout Hawai'i as well as Canada, Papua New Guinea, and the United Nations. She is an assistant professor at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa, where she teaches creative writing with an emphasis on 'Oiwi literature, spoken word, and decolonial poetics. Born and raised in Wai'ehu on the island of Maui, she currently lives and loves in the valley of Palolo on the island of O'ahu.