Michael Rubens

Michael Rubens

<strong>Michael Rubens</strong> is a producer and correspondent for <em>Full Frontal with Samantha Bee</em>. In addition to <em>The Bad Decisions Playlist </em>he has published two novels: <em>The Sheriff of Yrnameer </em>(Pantheon), and <em>Sons of the 613 </em>(Clarion). His fourth novel is slated for publication in June of 2017. His work has also appeared in <em>The New Yorker</em>’s Daily Shouts, HuffPost Comedy and Salon. He was previously a producer for <em>Last Week Tonight with John Oliver </em>and <em>The Daily Show with Jon Stewart</em>, and was for a very brief period the world’s least effective bouncer. Visit him online at www.michaelrubens.com and on Twitter @michaelsrubens.

Books By Michael Rubens (1 Book)