Kiera Stewart

Kiera Stewart

<p>Kiera Stewart is a writer for teens and tweens. Her qualifications include never having gotten wisdom teeth, and having the same best friend since eighth grade. </p><p>Her most exciting years were between birth and age four, when she lived in three different countries. After a whirlwind toddlerhood, she settled into the suburbs of Washington, D.C., where she stayed through college. After graduating from The American University with a degree in psychology, she moved to Savannah, Georgia, and stayed for seven interesting but bug-infested years, before returning to the DC area to work in television publicity. </p><p>She now lives in Sonoma County, California, but spends a lot of time in Latin America, where she is working on her next novel and learning Spanish. When she's not writing, Kiera teaches yoga and English as a Second Language. </p><p>Kiera is the author of three novels: <em>Fetching</em>; <em>How to Break a Heart</em>; and <em>The Summer of Bad Ideas</em>. You can learn more and connect with Kiera at</p><p></p>

Books By Kiera Stewart (1 Book)