Josie Brown

Josie Brown

<p>Josie Brown is a feature writer of relationship articles and celebrity interviews. She is also the editor of the internationally syndicated "John Gray's Mars Venus Advice" newspaper column, and the co-editor of the "Relationship NewsWire". <p>She has written two previous books: <strong>Last Night I Dreamt of Cosmopolitans,</strong> a humor dictionary that interprets the fashionista's worst nightmares -- specifically those pertaining to designer duds and bad dates. She is also the co-author, along with her husband, Martin, of <strong>Marriage Confidential: 102 Honest Answers to the Questions Every Husband Wants to Ask, and Every Wife Needs to Know. </strong><p><strong>Impossibly Tongue Tied,</strong> her next novel, will be released by Avon in 2006. Josie lives in Marin County, California with Martin and their two children.

Books By Josie Brown (1 Book)