Jane McAlevey

Jane McAlevey

<strong>Jane McAlevey</strong> is an organizer, author, and scholar. She is currently a senior policy fellow at the University of California at Berkeley’s Labor Center, part of the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. McAlevey is also the strikes correspondent at <em>The Nation</em> magazine, has a biweekly advice column on strategy at <em>Jacobin</em> magazine, and is a regular media commentator. She continues to work as an organizer on union campaigns, to lead contract negotiations, and to train and develop organizers. Her first book, <em>Raising Expectations (and Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement</em>, was named the “most valuable book of 2012” by <em>The Nation</em>. In 2015, she received her Ph.D. from the City University of New York, followed by two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Law School.

Books By Jane McAlevey (1 Book)