Gretel Parker

Gretel Parker

Originally a children’ s book illustrator, Gretel was an early adopter of needle felting in 2008, when it was still a little known craft in the U.K. Demonstrating her art through her popular blog, ‘ Middle of Nowhere’ , she began selling her creations worldwide, which she continues to do today. In 2012, she was approached by the market-leading craft magazine ‘ Mollie Makes’ to create her first pattern, which was featured on the front cover. Gretel went on to create many more designs for ‘ Mollie Makes’ , including a further three front cover features. Her patterns have also been featured in ‘ Crafty’ , ‘ Craftseller’ and other publications. After the success of her first book, ‘ Little Needle felt Animals’ , Gretel is now turning her skills to projects designed for crafters who want a contemporary approach to an exciting and fun craft.

Books By Gretel Parker (1 Book)