Gilly Carr

Gilly Carr

Dr Gilly Carr is Senior Lecturer and Academic Director in Archaeology at the University of Cambridge’ s Institute of Continuing Education. She is a Fellow of St Catharine’ s College. Her research interests are in the field of modern conflict archaeology, POW studies and heritage studies. Her most recent monographs include ‘ Legacies of Occupation: Heritage, Memory and Archaeology in the Channel Islands’ ; ‘ Protest, Defiance and Resistance in the Channel Islands: German Occupation 1940-1945’ (co-authored with Paul Sanders and Louise Willmot); and Victims of Nazism in the Channel Islands: A Legitimate Heritage? She has also published many journal articles and book chapters on the archaeology, history, heritage and legacy of military occupation, and on the material culture of internment.

Books By Gilly Carr (1 Book)