Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas was born near London in 1978 before moving to Buckinghamshire a few months later. He attended the University of Bristol, graduating with a degree in psychology in 1999. It was here that he developed his interest in criminal psychology and serial killers. After a brief stint working at an investment bank in London, he left the City to work for his wife’ s family business, a position he still holds. Chris is an avid film fan, especially horror, thrillers and dark comedy- something that he tries to blend in his writing. After attending a creative writing course, he gained the confidence to pursue his dream of writing a novel. He self-published his debut novel The Red Room in February 2017 before joining the Bloodhound Books stable and re-releasing the book as Enter The Dark. Further works are already in the planning, including a sequel to Enter The Dark, which is intended to be even more dark and disturbing! In his spare time, Chris enjoys karate (holding a black belt) and spending time with his wife and two young daughters.

Books By Chris Thomas (2 Books)