Cathy Alves Davis
Cathy Alves Davis lives with her husband in Montclair, Virginia. In 1998, she received a deadly diagnosis of Stage III Aggressive Breast Cancer. That’ s when God spoke to her as He had done when she was a young child. God allowed her to know that she would survive and that one day she would go on to write a book of hope and inspiration that would help countless others. Years after her miraculous recovery at the famed Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C., Cathy began the task of writing the book God told her to write. She named the book Myrcles. For more than two decades now, she has gone on to counsel women of all ages who are facing frightening odds themselves. She has appeared on QVC, Nightline, ABC, and NBC news. Cathy also wrote a feature story for Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine titled Stay In The Day.