John Bingham

John Bingham

John is one of the running community's most recognizable and popular personalities. He was a featured columnist in Runner's World magazine from 1996-2010. John now writes his monthly column The Penguin Chronicles" in Competitor Magazine.<BR> <BR>His break-through first book "The Courage to Start" and his best selling "No Need for Speed", John "the Penguin" Bingham inspired hundreds of thousands of men and women to run for fun, fitness, and self-affirmation. His book, "Marathoning for Mortals", co-authored by Coach Jenny Hadfield, revolutionized long-distance running and walking. With "Running for Mortals" John and Jenny brought the joy of running to everyone.<BR> <BR>Once an overweight couch potato with a glut of bad habits, including smoking and drinking, at the age of 43 Bingham looked mid-life in the face—and started running. Since then, he has completed 45 marathons and hundreds of 5K and 10K races—and developed a whole new outlook<BR> <BR>John is the National Spokesperson for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training Program and is the voice of the Competitor Group's Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series.

Books By John Bingham (1 Book)