Bernie Schein

Bernie Schein

<b>Bernie Schein</b> was born, bred, and Bar Mitzvahed in Beaufort, South Carolina. He was an educator for forty-five years, for many of them in Atlanta. He is the author of three books, including <i>If Holden Caulfield Were in My Classroom</i> and the novel <i>Famous All Over Town</i>. He has been published and featured in numerous newspapers and magazines, including <i>Newsweek</i>, the <i>Jewish Advocate</i>, <i>Atlanta</i> magazine, and the <i>Atlanta Journal-Constitution</i>, and interviewed on NPR and radio stations across the country. He is now an educational consultant as well as a humorist and raconteur. He and his wife live in Beaufort, South Carolina.

Books By Bernie Schein (1 Book)