Amina Gautier

Amina Gautier

AMINA GAUTIER is the author of <i>At-Risk, </i>which won the 2011 Flannery O’ Connor Award for Short Fiction. She is the author of two more award-winning short story collections, <i>Now We Will Be Happy </i>and<i> The Loss of All Lost Things. </i>She was the 2018 recipient of the Pen/Malamud Award for Excellence in the Short Story. Her work has appeared in the anthologies <i>Best African American Fiction</i> and <i>New Stories from the South</i> and in numerous literary journals including <i>AGNI</i>,<i> Boston Review</i>,<i> Glimmer Train</i>,<i> Oxford American</i>, and<i> Southern Review.</i>

Books By Amina Gautier (1 Book)


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