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The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips

Published by Scholastic Inc.
From the author of Private Peaceful, a stunning novel about friendship, World War II, a naughty cat, and one girl’s bravery which changes her life forever. It’s 1943, and twelve-year-old Lily Tregenza lives on a farm in an idyllic seaside village in England. Apart from her father being away and the “townie” evacuees at school, her life is scarcely touched by the war. That is until Lily and her family, along with 3,000 other villagers, are ordered to evacuate their homes to allow the Allied forces to practice their landings for D-day. It’s a dangerous operation—guns firing and bombs exploding—and the whole area is off-limits. But Adolphus Tips, Lily’s adored cat, has other ideas—barbed wire and “Keep out!” signs mean nothing to her . . . Praise for The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips“The personal story of anger and love is as gripping as the war drama, and Morpurgo includes a fascinating note about the invasion rehearsal and why its history is seldom told.” —Booklist