Scottish Home Rule

Published by Birlinn Limited
A proponent of Scottish Home Rule offers a clear and concise introduction to the merits of the policy and the history of the movement.

Every debate about the Scottish constitution should include the topic of Scottish Home Rule, and if there is to be another referendum in Scotland then Home Rule should be one of the options on the ballot paper. Yet, for all its importance, Home Rule is not widely understood.

The proposal is seen by many Unionists as the slippery slope to Independence. Meanwhile, Independence supporters regard it as a Unionist proposal to retain sovereignty over Scotland. It is however a strong proposal in its own right, with a separate history from Independence and a more likely steppingstone to Federalism.

This book lays out the merits of Scottish Home Rule as the best solution for Scotland. It covers the history of support for the Home Rule option since 1860s, a clear outline of how it works, and a discussion about how it could both improve Scotland and act as a framework for constitutional reform across the UK.