Forrest Pritchard

Forrest Pritchard

<DIV><B>Forrest Pritchard</B> is a full-time organic farmer who holds degrees from the College of William & Mary. His farm, Smith Meadows, was one of the first “grass-finished,” free-range endeavors in the country, and has sold at leading farmers’ markets in Washington, D.C. for more than fifteen years. Pritchard is the author of the <I>New York Times</I>-bestselling book <I>Gaining Ground: A Story of Farmers’ Markets, Local Food and Saving the Family Farm</I>, picked as a top read by <I>The Washington Post</I>, <I>Publishers Weekly</I>, and NPR’s <I>The Splendid Table</I>. The primary blogger for the Facebook page “I Support Farmers’ Markets,” the largest online farmers’ market fan page, he is also a popular public speaker, having given addresses at RAND, Texas Organic Farmers Association, and Weston A. Price International, among others. Pritchard lives with his family on Smith Meadows in Berryville, Virginia.</DIV>

Books By Forrest Pritchard (1 Book)